Advanced 3D printing and Basic Robotic Design (Secondary School)

This course is targeted for secondary school student. It includes training in 3D modeling, computer languages and the application and design of circuit broads. Student will use the above techniques to build a robot in groups. By using the 3D modeling software, computer languages and different electronic parts, they can learn the basic robotic design, and control their 3D printed robot.

Application and Enquiry

Advanced 3D printing and Basic Robotic Design (Secondary School)
Name of course Advanced 3D printing and Basic Robotic Design (Secondary School)
Aim Learn the basic robotic design and control their 3D printed robot.
Introduction Targeted for secondary school student. Building a robot from learning 3D modeling design, computer languages and electronic parts.
  1. Provide in-depth understanding in 3D modeling and 3D printing
  2. Learn of 3D modeling software
  3. Use of computer languages in robotic application
  4. Strengthen creativity
  5. Work as a team
  6. Be able to build their own robot in the future
  1. 3D model building
  2. Use of circuit broad (Microcontroller)
  3. Use of computer languages(C#)
  4. 3D modeling techniques
  5. Structural analysis of electronic parts
Date of lesson To be confirm (6 lesson in total)
Course Duration To be confirm (3 hours each)
Venue School computer room
  1. Form 4 to Form 6 student
  2. Attend regularly
  3. Willing to create and think
  4. Simple knowledge in computer languages
  5. Simple knowledge in 3D modeling
Number of student Within 20 students (4-5 student per group)
Software Free and open source 3D modeling softwareFree and open source coding software
